Bulletins | Connecticut College Arboretum | Connecticut College


Submissions from 2023


Bulletin 45: Connecticut’s Sandy Shores Connecticut’s Sandy Shores: An Introduction to the Geology, Ecology, Plants and Animals, Juliana Barrett, Ralph Lewis, Judy Benson, Nancy Balcom, and Diana Payne

Submissions from 2019


Bulletin 44: New Directions in the American Landscape, Larry Weaner, Chad Adams, Kofi Boone, Rick Darke, Thomas Woltz, Thomas Baker, and Jeffrey Longhenry

Submissions from 2018


Bulletin No. 43: Birds of the Connecticut College Arboretum: Eighty Years of Change, Robert Askins

Submissions from 2016


Bulletin No. 42: The Mamacoke Conservation Area, Glenn Dreyer, Robert Askins, and Scott Peterson

Submissions from 2015


Bulletin No. 40: Salt Marsh Plants of Long Island Sound, R. Scott Warren, Juliana Barrett, and Margaret Van Patten

Submissions from 2013


Bulletin No. 41: Trap Rock Ridges of Connecticut: Natural History and Land Use, Penelope C. Sharp, Ralph S. Lewis, David L. Wagner, and Cara Lee

Submissions from 2009


Bulletin No. 39: Seaweeds of Long Island Sound, Margaret "Peg" Stewart Van Patten and Dr. Charles Yarish

Submissions from 2003


Bulletin No. 38: The Hidden World of Plants: A Scanning Electron Microscope Survey of the Native Plant Collection, Connecticut College Arboretum, Danica C. Kubick and T. Page Owen Jr.

Submissions from 2001


Bulletin No. 37: Living Resources and Habitats of the Lower Connecticut River, Glenn D. Dreyer and Marcianna Caplis

Submissions from 1998


Bulletin No. 36: Amphibians and Reptiles of the Connecticut College Arboretum, Jill Devito and Joseph Markow

Submissions from 1996


Bulletin No. 35: Native Woody Plant Collection Checklist, Michael P. Harvey and Glenn D. Dreyer

Submissions from 1995


Bulletin No. 34: Tidal Marshes of Long Island Sound: Ecology, History and Restoration, Glenn D. Dreyer and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1992


Bulletin No. 33: Archaeology in the Connecticut College Arboretum, Harold D. Juli and Glenn D. Dreyer

Submissions from 1991


Bulletin No. 32: The Connecticut College Arboretum - Its Sixth Decade and a Detailed History of the Land, Richard H. Goodwin and Glenn D. Dreyer

Submissions from 1990


Bulletin No. 31: Birds of Connecticut College Arboretum - Population Changes Over Forty Years, Robert A. Askins and Glenn D. Dreyer

Submissions from 1987


Bulletin No. 30: Native Shrubs for Landscaping, Sally L. Taylor, Glenn D. Dreyer, and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1984


Bulletin No. 29: Common Mushrooms of New England, John C. Cooke

Submissions from 1982


Bulletin No. 28: The Connecticut Arboretum: Its First Fifty Years 1931 - 1981, George S. Avery, William A. Niering, and Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1981


Bulletin No. 26: Recycling Mycelium - A Fermentation Byproduct Becomes an Organic Resource, William A. Niering, Sally L. Taylor, R. Scott Warren, Nancy C. Olmstead, Edward R. Ricciuti, Timothy K. Reynolds, Michael E. Johnson, and Mark McDonnell


Bulletin No. 27: Birds of Connecticut Salt Marshes - 50th Anniversary, James Stone, J. Susan Cole-Stone, and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1980


Bulletin No. 25: Salt Marsh Plants of Connecticut, William A. Niering and Scott Warren

Submissions from 1979


Bulletin No. 24: Garden Guide to Woody Plants: A Plant Handbook, Sally L. Taylor and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1978


Bulletin No. 23: Plants and Animals of the Estuary, William A. Niering, Paul E. Fell, Sally L. Taylor, Martine Villalard-Bohnsack, and Nancy C. Olmstead

Submissions from 1977


Bulletin No. 22: Our Dynamic Tidal Marshes: Vegetation Changes as Revealed by Peat Analysis, William A. Niering, R. Scott Warren, and Carolyn G. Weymouth

Submissions from 1975


Bulletin No. 21: Energy Conservation on the Home Grounds: The Role of Naturalistic Landscaping, William A. Niering and Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1974


Bulletin No. 20: Tidal Marsh Invertebrates of Connecticut, Nancy C. Olmstead and Paul E. Fell

Submissions from 1973


Bulletin No. 19: Inland Wetland Plants of Connecticut, William A. Niering and Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1972


Bulletin No. 18: Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore: A Wader's Guide, Sally L. Taylor and Martine Villalard

Submissions from 1970


Bulletin No. 17: Preserving Our Freshwater Wetlands, William A. Niering, Richard H. Goodwin, Edward S. Deevey Jr, and Betty F. Thomson

Submissions from 1967


Bulletin No. 16: A Guided Tour of the Connecticut Arboretum, John L. Emery

Submissions from 1965


Bulletin No. 15: The Flora of Connecticut Arboretum, William A. Niering, Richard H. Goodwin, and Sara C. Manwell

Submissions from 1963


Bulletin No. 14: Creating New Landscapes with Herbicides, A Homeowner's Guide, William A. Niering and Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1962


Bulletin No. 13: What's Happening Along Our Roadsides?, Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1961


Bulletin No. 12: Connecticut's Coastal Marshes, A Vanishing Resource, Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1959


Bulletin No. 11: A Roadside Crisis: The Use and Abuse of Herbicides, Richard H. Goodwin and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1958


Bulletin No. 10: The Connecticut Arboretum, Richard H. Goodwin, William A. Niering, Fleur A. Grandjouan, and Robert Fulton Logan

Submissions from 1956


Bulletin No. 9: Six points of Especial Botanical Interest in Connecticut, Richard H. Goodwin, Frank E. Egler, William A. Niering, Charles E. Olmsted, David M. Smith, Henry W. Hicock, Herbert I. Winer, and Edward C. Childs

Submissions from 1955


Bulletin No. 8: The Mamacoke Acquisition and Our Research Program, Richard H. Goodwin and William A. Niering

Submissions from 1952


Bulletin No. 7: The Connecticut Arboretum: Its History and the Establishment of the Natural Area, Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1950


Bulletin No. 6: Check List of Woody Plants Growing in the Connecticut Arboretum and Guide to the Arboretum, Richard H. Goodwin, Katherine H. Heinig, and Kaleb P. Jansson

Submissions from 1947


Bulletin No. 5: The Connecticut Arboretum, Richard H. Goodwin

Submissions from 1941


Bulletin No. 4: The Connecticut Arboretum, Its Tenth Anniversary, George S. Avery

Submissions from 1940


Bulletin No. 3: A Plant Handbook, Lists of Plants for Specific Landscsape Uses, Harriet B. Creighton and Priscilla Pasco

Submissions from 1935


Bulletin No. 2: The Connecticut Arboretum at Connecticut College, New London, George S. Avery Jr., Katharine Matthies, Katharine Blunt, C B. Graves, and Katherine Floyd

Submissions from 1934


Bulletin No. 1: The Connecticut Arboretum at Connecticut College, New London, Katharine Matthies