Historic Sheet Music Collection


Will S. Hays

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Publication Date



Take this Letter to my Mother

Words and Music by Will S. Hays

Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. (1873)

Some of the resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the libraries or the institution.


[Verse 1]

Take this letter to my mother,
Far across the deep blue sea,
It will fill her hear with pleasure,
She’ll be glad to hear from me.
How she wept when last we parted,
How her heart was filled with pain,
When she said, “good-bye, God bless you,
We may never meet again.”


Take this letter to my mother,
Far across the deep blue sea,
It will fill her heart with pleasure,
She’ll be glad to hear from me.

[Verse 2]

Take this letter to my mother,
It will fill her heart with joy,
Tell her that her prayers are answered,
God protects her absent boy.
Tell her to be glad and cheerful,
Pray for me where’er I roam,
And ere long I’ll turn my footsteps
Back towards my dear old home,


[Verse 3]

Take this letter to my mother,
It is filled with words of love.
If on earth I’ll never meet her,
Tell her that we’ll meet above.
Where there is no hour of parting,
All is peace, and love, and joy,
God will bless my dear old mother,
And protect her only boy.




The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.