"Progress towards the Total Synthesis of Frondosin D" by Marcus Vinicius Pinto Pereira Jr.

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Timo Ovaska

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The frondosin family of natural products, consisting of five compounds A-E, was first discovered in 1997 in the marine sponge Dysidea Frondosa, and they have been determined to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and HIV- inhibitory activity. There is currently no synthetic pathway for the total synthesis of frondosin D. This study explored two distinct pathways for the synthesis of the tetracyclic structure of frondosin D. Both of the explored approaches include a 7-membered ring tricyclic compound as the key intermediate which can be obtained via tandem 5-exo dig cyclization/Claisen rearrangement methodology developed by the Ovaska group.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.