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Publication Date

Spring 5-22-2011


President Higdon tells the Centennial Class of 2011: "You have the unique experience of graduating when the College is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Every Commencement is an opportunity to look back and look ahead. Your Commencement is special because the whole College is looking with you."

Further, he lauds the graduates who have "shared your talents with the world through study abroad, internships and special research projects. I am impressed and deeply gratified by the work you have done – it is a strong indication of the impact you will continue to have throughout your lives. You have become experienced activists and advocates. Working to support, nurture and protect refugees in Rwanda, white lions in Africa, impoverished youth in Brazil… And in the US, studying energy alternatives, mental health issues and acting as advocates for underprivileged youth – in your home communities and right here in New London."

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