Digital Commons@Connecticut College: Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives | Connecticut College Research | Digital Commons @ Connecticut College
Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives

Director of Special Collections & Archives: Benjamin Panciera

The Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives is home to over 21,000 rare books and over 2,000 linear feet of archival materials. Housing renowned research collections on Rachel Carson and Eugene O'Neill, as well as the College Archives, the Lear Center is a resource for faculty and students as well as for researchers from outside Connecticut College.

The Lear Center will be making use of Digital Commons to make available mass digitization projects of College publications. Our first such project, comprising a century of back issues of student newspapers, was complete in spring, 2014.


Browse the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives Collections:

Alumni News/Connecticut College Magazine

Alumni Oral History Project

College Catalogs and Bulletins

Connecticut College Books

Connecticut College Yearbooks

Student Newspapers

Student Publications