Social and Regional Dialects of Spanish

Social and Regional Dialects of Spanish


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Este libro presenta un curso a nivel intermédio-avanzado que emplea recursos ya existentes y materiales creados por su creadora, Doctora Emily Kuder, para facililar el aprendizaje de temas relacionados a la dialectología y sociolingüística hispana a través de recursos abiertamente disponible. El libro puede ser usado por un aprendiz motivado como un curso autoguiado o por un grupo de aprendices en una clase convencional como un libro de texto.

This book presents an intermediate-advanced level course that employs preexisting resources and materials created by the author, Dr. Emily Kuder, to facilitate the learning of topics related to hispanic dialectology and sociolinguistics through openly available content. The book can be used by learners as a self-guided course or by a group of learners in a conventional class as a textbook.

This work is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Summer 2023


OER, Spanish, languages

Social and Regional Dialects of Spanish
