"Marcheta" by Victor Schertizinger

Historic Sheet Music Collection

Document Type


Publication Date



MacIntosh Collection

New York: The John Franklin Music Co., 1531 Broadway, (1924)

Some of these resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the library or the institution.


[Verse 1] Marcheta, Marcheta,
I still hear you calling me back to your arms once again,
I still feel the spell of your last kiss upon me,
Since then, life has all been in vain
All has been sadness without you Marcheta,
Each day finds me lonely and blue,
My poor heart is broken, I want you,
“Marcheta,” I need you “Marcheta” I do.

[Verse 2] Marcheta, Marcheta,
In dreams I can see you, your sweet face with love all a-glow,
Your voice like soft music still echoes around me
As in the old days long ago
Come back, come back, dear, with you here Marcheta,
Then life once more joyful will be
The world’s drear and lonely and sunless, Marcheta, Your love was life’s sunshine to me.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.