"My Wife's Gone to the Country: Hurrah! Hurrah!" by Ted Snyder, George Whiting et al.

Historic Sheet Music Collection

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Publication Date



Sung with great success by Stuart Barnes.
Words & Music by Geo. Whiting Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder

Ted Snyder Co. Music Publishers 112 West 38th St. New York

Cover illustration signed Frew

Inset photo of Stuart Barnes

Copyright 1909 by Ted Snyder Co. (Inc.)

“Some of these resources may contain offensive stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of the attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the library or the institution.”


When Mrs. Brown told hubby,
“I just can’t stand the heat,
Please send me to the country, dear,
I know ‘twould be a treat.”
Next day his wife and fam’ly were seated on a train,
And when the train had started,
Brownie shouted this refrain.

“My wife’s gone to the country, Hurrah! Hurrah!
She thought it best, I need a rest,
That’s why she went away,
She took the children with her, Hurrah! Hurrah!
I don’t care what becomes of me,
My wife’s gone away.”

He kept the ‘phone a going,
Told ev’ryone he knew,
“It’s Mister Brown, come on down town,
I have some news for you.”
He told a friend reporter just
why he felt so gay,
Next day an advertisement, in the papers read this way.




The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.