"When the Old Oaken Bucket Was New" by George J. Moriarty and Joe Cooper

Historic Sheet Music Collection

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Words by George J. Moriarty
Music by Joe Cooper

Photo: Harry Cooper
Illustrator: Starmer

Harry Cooper Music Publishing Co., 1416 Broadway, New York
Selling Agent Shapiro Music Publisher, On Broadway & Thirty Ninth Street, New York

Copyright 1910 by the Harry Cooper Music Pub. Co. 1416 Broadway, N.Y. City. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.

Respectfully dedicated to Miss Ada Stone

“Some of these resources may contain offensive stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of the attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the library or the institution.”



Summer was blooming, old times were looming, while I closed my eyes;
Scenes I love dearly, came back so clearly, under summer skies,
Stars were agleaming, I was just dreaming,
Dreaming of you,
Back to the time when you be came mine,
Just a memory.

When the old oaken bucket was new,
That’s the first time I made love to you,
You turned your head, but you heard all I said,
As we sat by the well just we two,
We both vowed that our hearts love would flow
Just as long as the water below,
Life is sweet yet, but I’ll never forget,
When the old oaken bucket was new.
When the new.

Life was a pleasure each day a treasure, that I foundly praise,
Thoughts of tomorrow, never brought sorrow, in those good old days,
Back to our childhood, back tho’ the wildwood,
My thoughts seem to fly,
What can compare with those days so rare,
Days that never die.




The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.