"It’s Sun Up Now" by Eugene Lockhart

Historic Sheet Music Collection


Eugene Lockhart

Document Type


Publication Date



Words and Music by Eugene Lockhart

Author of “The World is Waiting for the Sunrise”

Lucille Laverne as “Widow Eagle” in Sun Up by Lula Vollmer

The proceeds from the sale of this son are donated to the education of the mountain children.

Copyright MCMXXIV by Eugene Lockhart

Some of these resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of the attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the libraries or the institution.


[Verse 1]
In the blue sky hills of Carolina,
There’s a mountain mother grim,
When the break of day turns the hills to gray,
She sits and dreams of him,
For ‘twas then from her boy came a message o’ joy,
From the land of the yesterday,
And now in the hush of the dawn’s first flush,
You’ll hear her softly say,

It was sundown when you left me,
But it’s sun up now,
The dawn of day dispels the gray.
And clears all doubt away,
There is ne’er a song of sadness but has it’s strain of gladness,
It was sundown when you left me,
But it’s sun up now



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.