Historic Sheet Music Collection
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Political. When Ministers in dread and doubt,
Lest they should be from place kick'd out,
Get up, 'gainst time an sense to spout
A long dull ev'ning through
What mean they then
by Party Clique, Mob Orators and factions weak?
'Tis only would they truth but speak,
But Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Commercial. When Companies, whose stock of cash
Directors spend, to cut a dash,
Are forc'd to avertise and smash,
And Bankruptcy go through;
When tradesfolk live in regal state,
The goods they sell, adulterate,
And puff in print why that's their prate,
But Cock-a-doodle-doo?
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Matrimonial. When young folks spoon, squeeze hands and sigh,
As for establishments they try,
The while they expectations eye,
And Tennyson quote through,
When Pa's and Ma's for marriage mart
Prepare their girls with ev'ry art,
And try to cry as they depart,
That's Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo, Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Recommended Citation
Robertson, Thomas William and Wallerstein, Ferdinand, "Cock-a-doodle-doo: A Political Commercial & Matrimonial Song and Chorus" (1857). Historic Sheet Music Collection. 22.
The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.
Estimated date based on publisher Boston, Pubished by Oliver Ditson & Co., 277 Washington St. J.C. Haynes & Co., Boston W.A. Pond & Co., New York Cincinnati, J. Church & Co. C.W.A. Trumpler, Phila. Lyon & Healy, Chicago Words and Music by T.W. Robertson Arranged by Ferd. Wallerstein
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