"Crinoline Days" by Irving Berlin

Historic Sheet Music Collection


Irving Berlin

Document Type


Publication Date



Crinoline Blues

Words and Music by Irving Berlin

New York (1607); Irving Berlin Inc. (1922)

Some of these resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the library or the institution.


Back to the olden
Days that were golden
Memory often strays
Before anyone could gaze At Molly’s and Mary’s little ankle displays.
Time with its changes
Often arranges
Styles that become that craze.
But I am yeaning
To be returning
Back to those crinoline days

In those dear old Crinoline days,
Old fashioned people with their old fashioned ways.
When the girl a fellow courted
Was the girl he married and supported.
Back in eighteen seventy-four
Rosy complexions weren’t bought in a store;
Granny and granddaddy longingly gaze
Back to those Crinoline days.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.