Historic Sheet Music Collection
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[Verse 1]:
On a little farm in Sweden Miss Hilda Honson one day
Sold all her pigs, horses and rigs,
Packed up and sailed away
When in old New York she landed
They asked “are you alone”
She answered “No I’ve got a beau Yust let me telephone.”
Hello Wisconsin! Won’t you find my Yonnie Yonson?
Yust tell him his Hilda Honson
Yust got off the boat by Yimminy
How she wants him!
You’ll know Yon Yonson
‘Cause he’s over six feet high
He’ll yump with yoy when he knows I came ‘cause my
Yonnie Boy gonna change my name from Honson to Yonson
So Wisconsin Good-bye.
[Verse 2]:
When she landed in Wisconsin
Her Yonnie Yonson was there
Yon full of pride, made her his bride,
Oh! what a happy pair
Years have showered them with blessings
Two little babies so high
When shadows creep
They go to sleep
Hearing this Lullaby.
Recommended Citation
Kalmar, Bert; Leslie, Edgar; and Ruby, Harry, "Hello Wisconsin (Won’t You Find My Yonnie Yonson)" (1918). Historic Sheet Music Collection. 574.
The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.
Hello Wisconsin (Won’t You Find My Yonnie Yonson)
Words by Bert Kalmar and Edgar Leslie
Music by Harry Ruby
New York (Broadway at 47th St): Kalmar Puck & Abrahams Consolidated. Inc (1918)
Some of these resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the library or the institution.