"Departure of the Volunteers" by E. Provost

Historic Sheet Music Collection


E. Provost

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Publication Date



The Departure of the Volunteers
A national song
The French words by E. Prevost ; translated by J.J. Hawkins Esqr.
Composed & dedicated to the Army of the Rio Grande by E. Prevost.

New Orleans. Publisher not identified.

Some of the resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the libraries or the institution.


Ra la plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan,
Trumpets sounding Bosoms bounding
Forward forward march in order
Cross the border Forward ho
Ra la plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan,
Trumpets sounding Bosoms bounding
Forward forward march in order
Cross the border Forward ho
To arms to arms!
'Tis Glory's call
Can ought our genrous ardor stay?
Our ancient deeds the meed forstall
"Tis gallant Taylor leads the way
Up up ye brave be firm and true
Rush to the flight in Honor trust
The foe your prowess well may rue
Base Mexicans shall bite the dust
Base Mexicans shall bite the dust
Base Mexicans shall bite the dust Ra la

Ra la plan, plan, plan, plan, plan,
Tambour ballant, Mêche allumée
En avant Que notre Armée
Parle en chantant Voluntaires en avant.
Ra la plan, plan, plan, plan, plan,
Tambour battant Mêche allumée
en avant que notre armée
Parle en chantant, Voluntaires en avant.
Taylor nous a pelle à la gloire
Rien ne saurait nous arréyeter
Le souvenir de notre histoire
ne nous permet pas d'hésiter
Le vous nous tous parlons ensemble
Volons à des brillants combats
Mexicain! Sur ton sol qui tremble nos Soldats ne trembleront pas
Mexicain sur ton sol tremble nos soldats ne trembleront pas

Ra la ...

2nd verse
Mothers your tender feelings calm
Think that we go to conquer peace
Think that to us descends the palm
of Victory then your sorrows cese,
And you and you our hearts sweet partners
Who with fond affections ardor burn
Our star of Triumphs fix'd in you
Live in the hope of our return
Live in the hope of our return
Live in the hope of our return Ra la

Tendres mères se chéz vos larmes
Nous allons conquérir la paix
Dans nos mains nous le nons des armes
Rouges encor de sang Anglais,
Et vous nos compagnes fidéles
Ne songez qu'a notre retour
Tressez les palmes immorteles que nos fronts devront à l'amour
Tressez les palmes immorteles
Que nos fronts devront à l'amour.

Ra la ...

3rd verse
Lo' stalks the Hero's sudden shade
Points to red Chalmettes gory clay
Lifts high in air his shadowy blade
Jackson reproaches our delay
On then at Taylors summons proud
Give to his call this answering breath
A deathless name bloody shroud
A glorious Victory or death
A glorious Victory or death
A glorious Victory or death Ra la

Voyez la haur sur ce nuage
Le Héros, objet de nos pleurs
Partons sans tarder d'avantage
Jackson fremit de nos lenteura
Allons enfants de la patrie
Taylor attends vite en chemin
Adieu Louisiane cherie adieu
Vainqueur nous le verrons demain
Adieu Louisiane cherie acieu
Vainqueur nous le verrons demain

Ra la ...



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.