"In the Shadows" by Herman Fink

Historic Sheet Music Collection


Herman Fink

Document Type


Publication Date



The big feature of Lew Field's show at the Broadway Theatre
In the shadows
Dance by Herman Fink
New York : Jos. W. Stern & Co. ; London : Hawkes & Son

Has musical incipits on pg. 2

Some of these resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of the attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the libraries or the institution.


Twilight hues in all their glory
Creep o’er the soft Summer sky,
Fireflies gleaming, dimly showing,
Twilight soon to dusk is growing,
Evening breezes touch the rustling leaves
With their first gentle sigh,
In the dawning of this night of love, waiting here, dear am I.

Oh! Meet me in the shadows,
When twilight dims the day,
When the golden sun has gone to rest,
In the golden west, loving time is best
For love dreams are the sweetest,
When moonbeams flood the sky,
Love will find its own,
When we are alone,
In the shadows, just you and I. Oh! I.

First moonbeams the woodland flowers
Touch with their silver and gold,
Sleepy birds of love are dreaming,
Stars are peeping forth their gleaming,
In the shadows Cupid waits to list’
To the tale we unfold,
Come, my sweet, and make complete, the joy of a fond love untold.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.