"Home, Dear Home! Fond Memory Treasures" by C.E. Ressiger and Jan Křtitel Pišek

Historic Sheet Music Collection

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Home, dear home! fond memory treasures
sung by Pischek
composed by C.E. Ressiger.
Boston: published by Oliver Ditson. 115 Washington St.

Some of the resources may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be seen in the context of the time period and as a reflection of attitudes of the time. The items are part of the historical record, and do not represent the views of the libraries or the institution.



Nach der Heimath mocht ich wieder,
In der Heimath mocht ich seiu
Strahlt mir doch noch eius so golden
Dort der lieben Sonne scheiu
In der heimath wohnt die liebe,
in der Heimath weilt die lust!
und so bauge ach so bauge,
Klopft das Herz hier in der Brust.
Susse Heimath susse susse Heimath.

Seh ich Arm in Arm hier waudelu
Ein begluck tes Liebes paar
Deuk ich wie ich eiust so glucklich
In der lieben Heimath war
In der Heimath &c.

Vater, lieber, Vater drobeau
Lass es eiumal noch ges chehu,
Meine, trante Heimath lassmich
Nur woch eiumal wieder sehu;
In der Heimath &c.


Home, dear home! fond mem'ry treasures
Ev'ry trace of that dear time
When we shared its peaceful pleasures
In our own bright sunny clime!
In our home what happy gladness,
In our home what peace and joy,
Ne'er was known the tear of sadness,
Ah! what bliss without alloy.
Home of childhood, my own dear home.

In my dreams thou art before me
often I awake from sleep,
Fondly, sadly, I adore thee
But remembrance makes me weeo.
In our home &c.

Ah! once more let me behold thee
And those friends so dear to me,
Ere this longing heart beats coldly
Ere these eyes forget to see!
In our home &c.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.