"Research at the National Renewable Energy Lab Through the Science Unde" by Sarah Hall

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Golden, Colorado

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The National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) is one of 17 national labs funded by the Department of Energy (DOE). NREL drives innovative energy research and development including work in energy efficiency, all renewable energy fields, and sustainable transportation. I conducted research through the DOE’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program. The program provides opportunities for undergraduate students to work at DOE laboratories across the country to conduct research in a wide range of STEM topics. I worked for the Water Power Research and Development team. I conducted research under my mentor, Dr. Katie Peterson, so I worked on a few of her different projects. My overall theme for each project was using GIS to conduct geospatial analysis for site suitability and selection of projects. At the end of my internship, I participated in a poster symposium and completed a research paper on my work.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.