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Senior Integrative Project


Late December 2019, emerged what would be recognized as the world’s worst global pandemic since the Spanish Flu. In a 23 month period, roughly 4 million people have died. Everyone’s life has now forever been changed as we move to a virtual world. Remote learning and remote work have dominated both 2020 and 2021. Surprisingly, markets in the United States flourished, dominated by a relatively new trend: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies or SPAC. Across the globe, as countries enforce strict lockdown restrictions, major trends start to emerge worldwide such as a global dearth of semiconductor chips, rise in inflation and a labor shortage. In Spain these same trends occur and are still prevalent today through the latest mutation of the COVID-19 strain called Omicron.



This paper was completed and published in December 2021.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.