"Breaching WEIRD Psychology: Brujería as Mental Health Treatment" by Emily Greenslit

Publication Date

Spring 5-16-2022

Document Type

Senior Integrative Project


Through this project, I am proposing that the psychology field look to brujería in order to make the field, which has been historically WEIRD-centric, more inclusive and widely applicable. However, I would like to make it clear that I am not advocating for the removal of more traditional methods of therapy and medication that have long been established in the field of psychology. These methods work effectively for many people, and there is no reason that they should not continue to be used as mental health treatment. With this being said, the limited lens through which psychologists tend to view their field prevents the integration of other, equally successful, mental health care approaches. I hope to encourage psychologists, especially those with white privilege, to challenge their thinking and explore other mental health options that may be far more effective for their particular client.

The first chapter, “Latinx Trauma and Resilience”, provides contextual background as to the ways in which Latinx communities and BIPOC as a whole are negatively impacted by white supremacism and coloniality. The second chapter, “WEIRD Psychology and How to Combat It” discusses the white-centric history of the field of psychology and begins to provide new methods with which to approach the field. The third chapter, “Modern, Latinx Brujería and Empowerment” defines and expands on brujería, and starts to explain what the practices as a whole constitute. This chapter will talk about brujas themselves as well as those who go to brujas for assistance. It will also discuss the cultural significance of brujería to Latinx communities. The fourth and final chapter, “Brujería and Psychology: The Future of Psychology” discusses how to successfully integrate brujería and spirituality as a whole into mainstream therapy, and also points to specific examples of mental health experts who are doing so.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.