Publication Date

Spring 5-15-2024

Document Type

Senior Integrative Project


My SIP will be on the social and environmental impacts of the mining industry in Peru, specifically Chinese companies’ involvement and the effect Chinese Foreign Direct Investment has on the local communities and the climate. Currently, there are challenges in ensuring that the local communities are satisfied with certain benefits and ethical conducts of operations. Mining is an economic activity that should be well-facilitated to ensure sustainable mining practices that safeguard the environment, workers, and the community are followed. Many mining projects face protests from local communities, which often results in long-term stalemates. Many projects don’t even get to start the ground-breaking process. Through this project, I hope to establish a series of evidence indicating that there are extensive social impacts associated with mining in the Andean region through economic analysis of those externalities, and more importantly, to ensure companies are implementing projects according to the legislations so that both Chinese and other third-party FDI can be more equitable and sustainable.

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