Publication Date

Spring 5-15-2024

Document Type

Senior Integrative Project


This essay is about a country with twenty-six million people, including 1.5 million refugees and a lot of problems due to the Anglophone crisis. It gives an in-depth view on the complex yet vibrant multilingualism in Cameroon with over 240 ethnic groups and many languages. The economically disadvantaged parts of Cameroon are the Anglophone regions such as the North-West with poverty rates at 57% and the South-West at 21% respectively for the year 2019. The article reflects upon how colonial legacies have given rise to contemporary social uneasiness in Cameroon, mostly within Anglophone regions. Additionally, this article highlights how economic instability, historical boundaries and cultural identities are reflected within the crisis and the role which social media plays in modern society during the Anglophone crisis.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.