"The College Republic: Vol 1, No 1" by Connecticut College

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Student newspaper published at Connecticut College

Editor: Robert Mahoney

Managing Editor: Mark Jordan

Senior Editor: Chris Horrock

Business Manager: Thomas Libassi

Assistant Business Manager: Lisa Battalia

News Editor: Susan Pratt

Art Director: Deborah Lowry

Columnist: Peter Karparson

Staff Writers:

  • Dave Tyler
  • Liz Bovich
  • Nina Elgo
  • Akhil Garland
  • Janna Leonoff
  • David Litoff
  • Kim Norton
  • Mark Pereira
  • Kaoru Usami
  • Sarah Whisenand

The College Republic is a student run, independent, nonprofit organization. All articles, except letters to the editor,may be considered the opinion, property and sole responsibility of this paper. Address all letters to The College Republic, Box 740, Connecticut College, New London, CT, 06320.

These digital collections have been created from historical documents that reflect the sensibilities of creators in historical times and may contain opinions, language, images, or other content that modern readers may find offensive. The Lear Center and Connecticut College do not endorse the attitudes expressed therein. The Lear Center presents these documents as part of the historical record and recognizes the imperative not to alter it. In some cases, it may be possible to add notes or comments correcting verified errors, but these exceptions will not be applied in a way that changes the appearance of the authentic record.



The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.