"Martha's Vineyard Shellfish Group Internship" by Isabelle Custer

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Vineyard Haven, MA

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The Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group is a non-profit organization working to preserve and increase the shellfish populations in the waters surrounding the island of Martha’s Vineyard, MA. The Shellfish Group grows three species which are native to the island: quahogs, oysters, and bay scallops. Shellfish provide vital ecosystem services, such as water filtration, and they are also important culturally and economically as a food source. The organization also works on habitat restoration projects with the goal of maintaining these marine ecosystems and all the benefits they provide to the island. My responsibilities included working in the hatcheries, maintaining the growth of the shellfish seed. I also assisted with fieldwork such as oyster research, data collection and entry, and with oyster habitat and eelgrass restoration.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.