"My Summer in the Scottish Highlands" by Skyler Kilan Kardell

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Nethy Bridge, Scotland, UK

Publication Date



The Scottish Highlands is not high up on the wishlist of many American birders. Compared to the neotropics, subsaharan Africa, or Thailand, the auld country may seem ecologically depauperate; an island inhabited entirely by namebrand finches, tits, and pipits. A quick flip through a Collins Guide does not provide much to gawk at, whereas any North American Guide is sure to include a colorful, mouth-watering assortment of Parulidae warblers, Icterids, and migrant tanagers. And yet, the birds that do make it to this island have captivated the imagination of some of the greatest minds in all of western literature, and have dominated the last several hundred years of European environmental imperialism.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.