"Geology and Climate Knowledge Research Intern at The Ohio State Univer" by Winona C. Hunter

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Newark, Ohio, United States

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This summer I had two internships, one as a geology research intern at The Ohio State University, Newark, Ohio and the other was a remote Climate Knowledge Research Intern for The Ohio State University, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi. Both internships were a part of a much larger and multi-organizational research project through The Ohio State University, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi investigating how to better prepare farmers in India for the impacts of climate change. I conducted both tradition lab work as well as social science coded interviews. In this paper I will go into details of my responsibilities as how these internships connect to my Goodwin-Niering Center SIP.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.