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Amenia, NY

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This report details my summer internship experience at Piecemeal Farm, a flower farm located in Amenia, NY. The internship provided an immersive introduction to sustainable flower farming, with a focus on the practical aspects of flower production, including planting, maintenance, harvesting, and arranging. Throughout the internship, I was involved in various tasks such as transplanting Zinnias and Dahlias, managing crop health through weeding and pest control, and creating bouquets for markets and local businesses. Additionally, I contributed to environmental sustainability efforts by designing and implementing rain gardens to address water management challenges. The experience offered valuable insights into the agricultural sector, enhanced my problem-solving skills, and reinforced the importance of teamwork and effective communication. This report outlines the activities undertaken, the skills developed, and the overall impact of the internship on my academic and professional growth.


The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.