Historic Sheet Music Collection
The Historic Sheet Music Collection (HSMC) consists primarily of popular music of the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. Although most of the music is composed or arranged for voice with piano accompaniment, some pieces incorporate other instruments such as guitar, and some are for instrumental solo (primarily piano or guitar). A few classical works are also included in the collection.
Sheet music can offer an interesting interdisciplinary research opportunity. The lyrics, cover art, and advertisements open a window on the society and culture of the time. Subjects range from popular love songs to laments to humorous ditties - and everything else in between. Many songs reflect on the U.S. Civil War, World War I, and World War II. There is even a song about Wheaties in the collection.
Submissions from 1918
Oh! Susie Behave, Ed Rose and Abe Olman
Oh! You Don't Know What You're Missin', Edward Laska and Albert Vete
Our Sammies Song, Carl D. Vandersloot and James Royce Shannon
Peace: The New Dawn, Henry Erskine Smith and Frederick J. Smith
Rose of No Man's Land, The, Jack Caddigan, James A. Brennan, and Louis Delamarre
Send Back Dear Daddy to Me, Alexander Sullivan, Harry Tenney, and Irving Maslof
Sleep, My Darling, Elsie Jean Stern and Mana Zucca
Smiles, J. Will Callahan and Lee S. Roberts
Smiles, Lee S. Roberts and J. Will Callahan
Snooky Hollow, Kerry Mills
So Let Old Glory Wave, Mrs. V.A. Austin and E.S.S. Huntington
Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, H. T. Burleigh
Sunrise and You, Arthur A. Penn
Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight, Harold G. Frost and F. Henri Klickmann
Teach Me to Be a Brave Solider, Kerry Mills
That Tumble Down Shack in Athlone, Richard W. Pascoe, Monte Carlo, and Alma M. Sanders
The Marines, A. G. Wobus and Fred Hilligardt
There's Nobody Home But Me, Sam Ehrlich and Con Conrad
The Rose of No Man's Land, Jack Caddigan and James A. Brennan
They Were All Out of Step But Jim, Irving Berlin
Till We Meet Again, Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting
Till We Meet Again, Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting
Till We Meet Again, Richard A. Whiting and Raymond B. Egan
Trees, Joyce Kilmer and Carl Hahn
Victory, M. K. Jerome
Waiting, Harold Orlob
We Don't Want the Bacon, Howard Carr
Wee, Wee, Marie (Will You Do Zis for Me), Alfred Bryan, Joe McCarthy, and Fred Fisher
When I Send You a Picture of Berlin, Frank Fay
When the Shadows Fall, Harold Orlob
Where Do We Go From Here, Howard Johnson and Percy Wenrich
Willowwood: Op.93, no.1, Louis Adolphe Coerne
You're the Greatest Little Mothers in the World, Archie Gottler, Joe Young, and Sam M. Lewis
Submissions from 1917
After The War Is Over, E. J. Pourmon and Joseph Woodruff
After the War is Over Will There Be Any "Home Sweet Home", Joseph Woodruff and Elmer J. Pourmon
A Little Bit o' Honey, Carrie Jacobs-Bond and W. G. Wilson
All The World Will Be Jealous Of Me, Al Dubin and Ernest R. Ball
An Old Fashioned Wife, Jerome Kern and P. G. Wodehouse
Au Revoir, But Not Good-Bye-(Solider Boy), Lew Brown and Albert Von Tilzer
Beautiful Queen of the Nile, John L. Golden and Raymond Hubbell
Bells of Saint Mary's, Douglas Furber and A. Emmett Adams
Blue Rose Waltz, Chales Forrest Williams
Cheer Up 'Liza, John L. Golden and Raymond Hubbell
Ching Chong, Lee S. Roberts and J. Will Callahan
Come to the Fair, Helen Taylor and Easthope Martin
Come Up, Come in with Streamers!, Carl Deis and Alfred Noyes
Deagan Musical Dinner Chime Music, J.C. Deagan
Deep River, Harry Thacker Burleigh
For Me and My Gal, George W. Meyer, Edgar Leslie, and Edgard Ray Goetz
For You a Rose, Gus Edwards and Will D. Cobb
Give Me the Right to Love You all the While, Abe Glatt and Ben Ward
Goodbye Dixie Lee, Robert Levenson and G. Vernon Strout
Hawaiian Butterfly, Billy Baskette, George A. Little, and Joseph H. Santly
I May be Gone for a Long, Long Time, Albert von Tilzer and Lew Brown
I'm Going to Follow The Boys, James V. Monaco and Howard Emmett Rogers
I'm Hitting The Trail to Normandy, Chas Snyder
Joan of Arc They Are Calling You, Jack Wells, Alfred Bryan, and Willie Weston
Liberty Bell, Joe Goodwin and Halsey K. Mohr
Little Mother of Mine, Walter H. Brown and Harry Thacker Burleigh
Love Like the Dawn Came Stealing, Charles Wakefield Cadman and Gilbert Moyle
Meet Me at the Station Dear, Ted Snyder, Sam M. Lewis, and Joe Young
My Hawaii You're Calling Me, L. W. Lewis and Launa Mai
Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh, Ed Rose and Abe Olman
Oh, Johnny! Oh, Johnny! Oh!, Ed. Rose, Abe. Olman, and Ray Sherwood
On the Road to Home Sweet Home, Gus Kahn and Egbert Van Alstyne
Our America, Anna Case
Over There, George M. Cohan
Over There, George M. Cohan
Over There, George M. Cohan
Over There, George M. Cohan
Over There, George M. Cohan
Over There, George M. Cohen
Some Sunday Morning, Gus Kahn, Raymond Egan, and Richard A. Whiting
Somewhere In France Is The Lily, Jos. E. Howard and Philander Johnson
Sweet Egyptian Rose, Edgar Allan Woolf and Anatol Friedland
The Darktown Strutters' Ball, Shelton Brooks
The House that Jack Built, Jesse Winne and Harold Robe
There's A Million Heroes in Each Corner of the U.S.A, Sam M. Lewis, Joe Young, and Maurice Abrahams
Till The Clouds Roll By, Jerome Kern, P. G. Wodehouse, and Guy Bolton
Trail That Leads To Home, Edward Lockton and Herbert Mackenzie
Wait Till the Cows Come Home, Ivan Caryll and Anne Caldwell
We'll Never Let The Old Flag Fall, Henry Kenning
We're Going Over, Andrew B. Sterling, Bernie Grossman, and Arthur Lange
When a Boy Says Good Bye to his Mother and She Gives Him to Uncle Sam, Jack Frost
When the Boys Come Home, Oley Speaks
When Those Sweet Hawaiian Babies Roll Their Eyes, Harry Ruby
Will You Remember (Sweetheart), Sigmund Romberg
You Never Knew About Me, P. G. Wodehouse and Jerome Kern
Your Flag and My Flag, Wilbur D. Nesbit and Frederic L. Ryder
Submissions from 1916
Baby Shoes, Joe Goodwin, Ed Rose, and Al Piantadosi
Blue, Just Blue, Julius L. Bafunno
Break The News To Mother, Chas K. Harris
Darlin', Harold G. Frost
Down Where the Swanee River Flows, Charles McCarron, Charles S. Alberte, and Albert von Tilzer
Give Me All of You, Milton E. Schwarzwald and Percy Waxland
Hawaiian Dreams (Melodie Waltz), Herbert B. Marple and Sidney Carter
Hong Kong, Hans Von Holstein, Alma M. Sanders, and Richard W. Pascoe
Honolulu, America Loves You, Eddie Cox, Grant Clarke, and Jimmie V. Monaco
Hush-a-bye, Ma Baby Missouri Waltz, J.R. Shannon, Frederic Knight Logan, and John Valentine Eppel
If I Knock the L Out of Kelly (It Would Still Be Kelly to Me), Bert Grant, Sam M. Lewis, and Joe Young