Historic Sheet Music Collection
The Historic Sheet Music Collection (HSMC) consists primarily of popular music of the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. Although most of the music is composed or arranged for voice with piano accompaniment, some pieces incorporate other instruments such as guitar, and some are for instrumental solo (primarily piano or guitar). A few classical works are also included in the collection.
Sheet music can offer an interesting interdisciplinary research opportunity. The lyrics, cover art, and advertisements open a window on the society and culture of the time. Subjects range from popular love songs to laments to humorous ditties - and everything else in between. Many songs reflect on the U.S. Civil War, World War I, and World War II. There is even a song about Wheaties in the collection.
Submissions from 1912
Song of the Mission Chimes, Jay Roberts
That Old Girl of Mine, Earle C. Jones and Egbert Van Alstyne
That's How I Need You, Joe Goodwin, Joe McCarthy, and Al Piantadosi
The Hold Up Rag, Edward Madden and Egbert Van Alstyne
The Rosary, Robert Cameron Rogers and Etherlbert Nevin
Wedding Glide, Louis A. Hirsch
When I Lost You, Irving Berlin
When I Lost You, Irving Berlin
When It's Apple Blossom Time in Normandie, Tom Mellor, Harry Gifford, and Huntley Trevor
When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam', Irving Berlin
You Won't Have to Pick Any Daisies Apart to Find Out Whether I Love You, Will D. Cobb and Louis A. Hirsch
Submissions from 1911
Alexander's Ragtime Band, Irving Berlin
All Alone, Harry Von Tilzer and Will Dillon
Barcarolle (Tales of Hoffmann), J. E. Andino, Jacques Offenbach, and W. C. Polla
Brass Band Ephraham Jones, Joe Goodwin and Geo. W. Meyer
By The Light Of The Jungle Moon, Powell I. Ford and J. Caldwell Atkinson
Connecticut March, William Nassann
Danse Negre, Cyril Scott
Dreams, C. M. Denison and E. F. Dusenberry
Everybody's Doin' it Now, Irving Berlin
Everybody's Doin' It Now, Irving Berlin
Garland of Old Fashioned Roses, Chas. H. Musgrove and E. Clinton Keithley
Ghost Dance, Cora Salisbury and Josef Pierre Nuyttens
Girl I'll Call My Sweetheart Must Look Like You, Dan J. Sullivan and Chauncey Olcott
Good Night Mr. Moon, Albert Von Tilzer and Elias J. Marks
Good-Night Mr. Moon, Eli Dawson and Albert Von Tilzer
Hour That Gave Me You, The, James E. Dempsey and Johann C. Schmid
If You Talk in Your Sleep Don't Mention My Name, Nat D. Ayer, A. Seymour Brown, and Gene Buck
In the Shadows, Herman Fink
In the Shadows, Herman Fink
I Want a Girl: Just like the Girl that Married Dear Old Dad, Harry von Tilzer and Will Dillon
I Want to be in Dixie, Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Knock Wood, Andrew B. Sterling and Harry Von Tilzer
Musical Rag-Time Sal, Martin Swanger
My Land, Ernest R. Ball, Chauncey Olcott, and Bartley Costello
Oceana Roll, Lucien Denni and Roger Lewis
Send For Me: Novelty Song, Edgar Leslie and Geo. W. Meyer
Silver Bell, Percy Wenrich, Edward Madden, and Ribé Danmark
Take Me Back to the Garden of Love, Edward Ray Goetz and Nat Osborne
Take Me Back to the Garden of Love, E. Ray Goetz and Nat. Osborne
That College Rag, Harry Porter and Albert Von Tilzer
That Mysterious Rag, Berlin and Snyder
The Little Dutch Garden, Catherine Pannill Mead
Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold, Geo. Graff Jr. and Ernest R. Ball
Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold, Geroge Graff Jr, and Ernest R. Ball
When I Was Twenty-One and You Were Sweet Sixteen, Egbert Van Alstyne and Harry Williams
When You're In Town In My Home Town, Irving Berlin
You'll Do the Same Thing Over Again, Alfred Bryan and Albert Gumble
Submissions from 1910
Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life, Rida Johnson Young and Victor Herbert
Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life (The Dream Melody), Rida Johnson Young and Victor Herbert
All That I Ask Of You Is Love, Edgar Selden and Herbert Ingraham
Any Little Girl, That's a Nice Little Girl, Is The Right Little Girl For Me, Thomas J. Gray and Fred Fischer
A Perfect Day, Carrie Jacobs-Bond
Back to The Bleachers for Mine, Harry Breen and Albert Von Tilzer
Chinatown My Chinatown, Jean Schwartz and W. M. Jerome
Don't Wake Me Up I am Dreaming, Beth Slater Whitson and Herbert Ingraham
Down By The Old Mill Stream, Tell Taylor
Down by the Old Mill Stream, Tell Taylor
Dreams Just Dreams, Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Every Little Movement, Otto Hauerbach and Karl L. Hoschna
Every Little Movement, Otto A. Hauerback and Karl L. Hoscha
For Killarney and You, J. Brandon Walsh and Louise Teasdale
Honeymoon Glide, Jospeh H. McKeon and W. Raymond Walker
I'd Love to Live in Loveland with a Girl Like You, Will Rossiter
I'd Love to Live in Loveland With a Girl Like You, Will Rossiter
I'd Rather Say Hello Than Goodbye, J. Fred Helf and Alfred Bryan
I Love the Name of Mary, Chauncery Olcott, Ernest R. Ball, and George Graff
I'm Looking For a Nice Young Fellow Who is Looking For a Nice Young Girl, S. R. Henry, Jeff T. Branen, and Mindell Kingston
In the City Where Nobody Cares, Chas. K. Harris
Kiss Me My Honey, Kiss Me, Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Moonlight, the Rose, and You, The, Chas. E. Baer and Johann C. Schmid
Morning, Oley Speaks and Frank Lebby Stanton
Mother Machree, Chauncey Olcott
Mother Machree, Rida Johnson Young, Chauncey Olcott, and Ernest R. Ball
My Heart Has Learned to Love You Now Do Not Say Good-bye: Ballad, Ernest R. Ball and David Reed
My Land, Chauncey Olcott, Bartley C. Costello, and Ernest R. Ball
Perfect Day, A, Carrie Jacobs-Bond
Roses., James A. Mac Elwee
Since I Fell in Love with Mary, William Cahill
Stop! Stop! Stop!, Irving Berlin
That Dreamy Italian Waltz, Jos. McCarthy and Al Piantadosi
The Moonlight, the Rose and You, Johann C. Schmid and Charles E. Baer
Under The Southern Moonlight, Thos. S. Allen
What's the Matter with Father, Williams Alstyne and Van Alstyne
When the Old Oaken Bucket Was New, George J. Moriarty and Joe Cooper
Winter, Alfred Bryan and Albert Gumble
You Are the Ideal of My Dreams, Herbert Ingraham
You Are the Ideal of My Dreams, Herbert Ingraham
Submissions from 1909
Beauteous Night, O Night of Love, Jacques Offenbach, Robert Austin, Gustav Strube, and Samuel Richards Gaines
By the Light of the Silvery Moon, Ed Madden and Gus Edwards
Chinese Flower Fête, Charles Wakefield Cadman
Cubanola Glide, Vincent Bryan and Harry Von Tilzer
Dinah from Carolina, Junie McCree and Albert Von Tilzer
Down at Coney Isle, Billy Schneider Jr.
Dreams Just Dreams, Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Dream Sweetheart Dream, Bert Fulton and Leo Curley
Garden of Roses, Johann C. Schmid
Grace and Beauty, James Scott
I'd Like to Be the Sweetheart of a Girl Like You, Harry S. Loewenthal
If You Cared for Me As I Care for You, Ted Snyder and Ed Rose