Historic Sheet Music Collection
The Historic Sheet Music Collection (HSMC) consists primarily of popular music of the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century. Although most of the music is composed or arranged for voice with piano accompaniment, some pieces incorporate other instruments such as guitar, and some are for instrumental solo (primarily piano or guitar). A few classical works are also included in the collection.
Sheet music can offer an interesting interdisciplinary research opportunity. The lyrics, cover art, and advertisements open a window on the society and culture of the time. Subjects range from popular love songs to laments to humorous ditties - and everything else in between. Many songs reflect on the U.S. Civil War, World War I, and World War II. There is even a song about Wheaties in the collection.
Submissions from 1914
I Want to Go Back to Michigan Down on the Farm, Irving Berlin
Laddie: A True Blue Song, Luella Lookwood Moore and James Fred Lawton
Love Me like the Ivy loves the Old Oak Tree, RIchard A. Whiting and George J. Moriarty
My Croony Melody, Joe Goodwin and Ray Goetz
My Wife is Dancing mad, Coleman Goetz, Howard Johnson, and Archie Gottler
Oh, My Love, Joe McCarthy and Jas. V. Monaco
Peggy from Panama, Roger A. Graham and May O. Hill
Poor Pauline, Charles McCarron and Raymond Walker
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, A. Seymour Brown and Albert Gumble
Sing Me the Rosary: The Sweetest Song of All, F. Henri Klickmann and Roger Lewis
Soaring, Op. 12, No. 2, R. Schumann and M. Greenwald
Stay Down Here Where You Belong, Irving Berlin
Sweet Kentucky Lady, William Jerome and Louis A. Hirsch
That Bandana Band, Robert G. Irby and William Warner
That Wonderful Dengoza Strain, William Jerome and Abner Greenberg
The Crying of Water (Le Cri De Eaux), Louis Campbell-Tipton
The Good Ship Mary Ann, Grace Le Boy and Gus Kahn
There's a Little Spark of Love Still Burning, Joe McCarthy and Fred Fischer
There's A Little Spark of Love Still Burning, Joe McCarthy and Fred Fischer
There Was A Time, Alfred Bryan and Harry Carroll
The Rose Of The Mountain Trail, Jack Caddigan and Jas. A. Brennan
They Start the Victrola, Grant Clarke and Maruice Abrahams
Those Songs My Mother Used to Sing, H. Wakefiield Smith
Tip-Top Tipperary Mary, Harry Carroll and Ballard MacDonald
Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral: That's an Irish Lullaby, James R. Shannon
Want To Go Back To Michigan, Irving Berlin
Want To Linger, Stanley Murphy and Henry I. Marshall
When I Discovered You, Irving Berlin
When It's Night-time Down in Burgundy, Alfred Bryan and Herman Paley
When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose, Jack Mahoney and Percy Wenrich
Youre A Million Miles From Nowhere (When Youre One Little Mile From Home), Sam M. Lewis, Joe Young, and Walter Donaldson
Submissions from 1913
Adam and Eve Had a Wonderful Time, Albert Gumble and A. Seymour Brown
Always Take a Girl Named Daisy, George W. Meyer, Alfred Bryan, and Sam M. Lewis
And Then, Alfred Bryan and Herman Paley
And Then, Alfred Bryan and Herman Paley
Bells of Trinity, Arnold and Brown
Cathedral Chimes, Arnold and Brown
Come Along to Honeymoon Land, Henry Clay Smith and Raymond A. Browne
Connais Tu Le Pays?, Ambroise Thomas
Danny Boy, Frederic Edward Weatherly
Dinah, Stanley Murphy and Henry I. Marshall
Dream Tango, Uriel Davis
Girl I Loved in Auld Lang Syne, Verna Wilkens and Robert F. Roden
Good Bye, All, Ramone A. Browne
Good-Bye, Little Girl of My Dreams, Richard Howard and A. Fred Phillips
Her Blanket, Thurlow Lieurance
How Long Have You Been Married?, Rennie Cormack and A. Seymour Brown
I'll Change the Shadows to Sunshine, Ernest R. Ball and George Graff
I Love Her: Oh! Oh! Oh!, James V. Monaco, Joe McCarthy, and E. P. Moran
I Miss You Most of All, James V. Monaco and Joseph McCarthy
I'm On My Way To Mandalay, Al. Bryan and Fred Fisher
I'm On My Way To Mandalay, Fred Fisher and Alfred Bryan
In a Lonely Cabin, on a Lonely Road, S. R. Henry and George A. Norton
Indianola, Frank H. Warren, S. R. Henry, and D. Onivas
In Memory Land with You, Cass Freeborn and Raymond A. Browne
In My "Garden of Vanished Dreams", George Snyder and Carl Perillo
In The Candle-light, Fleta Jan Brown
In the Garden of My Heart, Caro Roma and Ernest R. Ball
It Takes a Little Rain with the Sunshine to Make the World Go Round, Harry Carroll and Ballard MacDonald
I've Found the Girl I want, Clayt Coolidge and Al Dubin
Love Love Love, Corine Smith
My Moving Picture Girl, C. L. Tucker and H. Walters
My Star, Alice Armstrong Powel and Jean Buckley
On The Silvery Sea, Anne Campbell and Ira Hamilton
Peg O'My Heart, Alfred Bryan and Fred Fisher
Ripple Bay, Roy C. Phillips
Send Back That Man Who Can Love, Ruby Galbraith Allen
Sing Me The Rosary, Roger Lewis and F. Henri Klickmann
Something Seems Tingle-Ingleing, Rudolf Friml and Otto Hauerbach
Sunshine and Roses, Gus Kahn and Egbert Van Alstyne
Tango Glide, George Wegener and Henry F. Cleary
Tennessee Moon, Jack Mahoney and Percy Wenrich
That's An Irish Lullaby (Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral), James R. Shannon
The Parisian Ball, Lew Brown and Herman Paley
There's A Girl in the Heart of Maryland, Ballard MacDonald and Harry Carroll
There's A Girl in the Heart of Maryland, Ballard Macdonald and Harry Carroll
There's A Long, Long Trail, Stoddard King and Zo Elliot
The Tango Tokio, Al Bryan and Jack Wells
To Have, To Hold, To Love, Darl MacBoyle and Ernest R. Ball
Trail of The Lonesome Pine, Ballard Macdonald and Harry Carroll
When the Maple Leaves Were Falling, Tell Taylor
Where Did You Get That Girl, Bert Kalmar and Harry Puck
You Can't Get Away From It, William Jerome, Grant Clarke, and Jean Schwartz
You Made Me Love You, Joe McCarthy and James V. Monaco
You've Got Your Mother's Big Blue Eyes, Irving Berlin
Submissions from 1912
A Kiss in the Dark, Victor Herbert and Buddy Gard De Sylva
Burning Love, W.A. Aeko and Arthur Denvir
Georgia Land, Harry Carroll and Arthur Fields
In the Heart of a Rose, J. W. Walsh and Geo. DeCarme
It's a Long, Long, Way to Tipperary, Jack Judge and Harry Williams
Last Night Was the End of the World, Andrew B. Sterling and Harry Von Tilzer
Lead Me to that Beautiful Band, Edward Ray Goetz and Irving Berlin
Moonlight Bay, Edward Madden and Percy Wenrich
On A Beautiful Night With A Beautiful Girl, Will D. Cobb and Gus Edwards
Please Don't Take My Lovin' Man Away, Lew Brown and Albert Von Tilzer
Ragtime Jockey Man, Irving Berlin
Row Row Row, William Jerome and Jimmie V. Monaco
Serenade Me Sadie, Joe Young and Bert Grant
Somebody Else Is Getting It, Harry Von Tilzer and Andrew B. Sterling
Somebody's Coming To Town, Henry Clay Smith and Raymond A. Browne