Submissions from 2024
Lower Courts and Conflicts in the Village, Marc R. Forster
Submissions from 2023
Exploring Poetry: Keiselim Montás and Norberto James, Aida L. Heredia
Introduction to Russian Arab Worlds: A Documentary History, Eileen Kane, Masha Kirasirova, and Margaret Litvin
Nonconsumptive Effects of Crustaceans and an Echinoderm on Spat of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), Maria Rosa, Mike Gilman, Sarah Anderson, Adrian Beckford, Ben Gilfond, Nicole Wright, and David M. Hudson
Living fossils and conservation values, Derek D. Turner and Junhyung Han
Submissions from 2022
Seasonal stem loss and self-thinning in low marsh Spartina alterniflora in a New England tidal marsh, Clara Chaisson, Chad C. Jones, and R. Scott Warren
Introduction to The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, Spencer J. Pack
Video Introduction to The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, Spencer J. Pack
Determinants of food selection by bivalve larvae, Maria Rosa and Diane K. Padilla
Multiyear defoliations in southern New England increases oak mortality, Jeffrey S. Ward, Chad C. Jones, and Joseph P. Barsky
Recovering Duty, Melvin Woody
Submissions from 2021
Epílogo, In manus tuas, Domine: Cartas de los pobres a la Virgen de Altagracia, Aida L. Heredia
No diré que fue milagro, pero ... Corriente positivista, Aida L. Heredia
Broadcast of Class Project for FYS 1024 Lush Life: A Jazz Story, Dale Wilson and Andrew Lopez
Submissions from 2020
Resistance and resilience of Virgin Islands bird populations following severe hurricanes, Robert A. Askins and David N. Ewert
Party-Political Responses to the Alternative for Germany in Comparative Perspective, David F. Patton
Submissions from 2019
Impact of Algorithmic Trading in a Simulated Asset Market, Christine Chung, Purba Mukerji, Bo Xiong, and Timothy Walsh
Understanding Male Caregivers’ Emotional, Financial, and Physical Burden in the United States, Monika Lopez-Anuarbe and Priya Kohli
Constraints and Degrees of Freedom in Lorentz-violating Field Theories, Michael D. Seifert
Submissions from 2018
Producing, Collecting, and Exhibiting Bizango Sculptures from Haiti: Transatlantic Vodou on the International Art Scene, Catherine Benoît and André Delpuech
Firefly Luciferase Dual Color Bioluminescence Reporter Assay Using Two Substrates To Simultaneously Monitor Two Gene Sepression Events, Bruce R. Branchini, Tara L. Southworth, Danielle M. Fontaine, Dawn Kohrt, Catherine M. Florentine, and Martha J. Grossel
Generalized Trust, Need for Cognitive Closure, and the Perceived Acceptability of Personal Data Collection, David Chavanne
The Aboriginal Alibi: Governing Dispossession in Colonial Bombay, Sheetal Chhabria
Four Community Engagement Lessons from Detroit to Connecticut, Michelle R. Dunlap
Carbon Neutral by 2021: The Past and Present of Costa Rica’s Unusual Political Tradition, Julia A. Flagg
Context Matters: Context-related Drivers of and Barriers to Climate Information Use, Julia A. Flagg and Christine J. Kirchhoff
The New Face of the Apocalypse in Mexican Orientalism: From Sánchez Echenique’s El ombligo del dragón to Rivera Garza’s Verde Shanghai, Julia A. Kushigian
Factors Affecting Gastropod Larval Development and Performance: A Systematic Review, Maria Rosa, Dianna K. Padilla, David Charifson, Alyssa Liguori, Mica McCarty-Glenn, and Allison Rugila
Selective capture and ingestion of particles by suspension-feeding bivalve molluscs: a review, Maria Rosa, J. Evan Ward, and Sandra E. Shumwy
Submissions from 2017
"I Became More Maya": International Kaqchikel Maya Migration in Central America, Joyce N. Bennett
Revenue Maximization in Online Dial-a-ride, Ananya Christman, Christine Chung, Nicholas Jaczko, Marina Milan, Anna Vasilchenko, and Scott Westvold
Colorblind Ideology and Perceptions of Minority Children During a Fictionalized Parent-Child Discipline Scene, Michelle R. Dunlap, Tong-An Shueh, Christina Burrell, and Penney Jade Beaubrun
Recuperating Religion in Art History: conetmporary Art History, Performance, and Christian Jankoski's 'The Holy Artwork', Karen Gonzalez Rice
"Where's Your Man?": Intersectionality in the Adoption Stories of Two Black, Single, Female Sociologists, Cherise A. Harris and Kristie A. Ford
Challenges and Rewards of Creating a Caregiving Website for New London, Connecticut, Mónika López-Anuarbe, María Amparo Cruz-Saco, and Joyce Bennett
Blockchains Are for Speculation, and That's a Good Thing, Spencer J. Pack and Alexander Pack
The Alternative for Germany’s radicalization in historical-comparative perspective, David F. Patton
Don’t Yuck Anyone’s Yum*: Using Google Drive and Moodle for Courses, Ariella Rotramel
Getting It Together! Teaching with Digital Portfolios: Part 2, Ariella Rotramel
Teaching with Wikipedia, the Fall 2017 Edition, Ariella Rotramel
Filling in the Gaps Together: International Women’s Day Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon, Ariella Rotramel, Rebecca Parmer, Rose Oliveira, and Lyndsay Bratton
Submissions from 2016
How Well Do Doodle Polls Do?, Danya Alrawi, Barbara M. Anthony, and Christine Chung
Rabbits and Rebounding Populations Bring Hope for Shrubland Birds, Robert A. Askins and Christopher R. Field
Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marshes after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Anne E. Bernhard, Roberta Sheffer, Anne E. Giblin, John M. Marton, and Brian J. Roberts
Response of Bird Populations to Long-term Changes in Local Vegetation and Regional Forest Cover, Mary Buchanan, Robert A. Askins, and Chad C. Jones
Ageing and Long-Term Care Planning Perceptions of Hispanics in the USA: Evidence from a Case Study in New London, Connecticut, María Amparo Cruz-Saco and Mónika López-Anuarbe
Long Suffering: American Endurance Art as Prophetic Witness, Karen Gonzalez Rice
’Racism is not an Opinion’: Muslim Responses to Pegida and Islamophobia, Karolin Machtans
Understanding the Remittance Gender Gap among Hispanics in the U.S.: Gendered Norms and Role of Expectations, Yongjin Park, María Amparo Cruz-Saco, and Mónika López-Anuarbe
Review Essay, William M. Rose, Andrew Majkut, Michelle Strayer, and Christopher Chen
Adding Voices to Scholarship: Wikipedia Editing, Ariella Rotramel
Text and Temporality: Toward an Understanding of Rhythmic Irregularities in the Music of Tom Waits, Margaret E. Thomas
Submissions from 2015
Serve or Skip: The Power of Rejection in Online Bottleneck Matching, Barbara M. Anthony and Christine Chung
The Critical Importance of Large Expanses of Continuous Forest for Bird Conservation, Robert A. Askins
Long-term impacts of disturbance on nitrogen-cycling bacteria in a New England salt marsh, Anne E. Bernhard, Courtney Dwyer, Adrian Idrizi, Geoffrey Bender, and Rachel Zwick
Estimating the Effects of Habitat and Biological Interactions in an Avian Community, Robert M. Dorazio, Edward F. Connor, and Robert A. Askins
More than Altruism: Cultural Norms and Remittances among Hispanics in the U.S., Monika Lopez Anuarbe, María Amparo Cruz-Saco, and Yongjin Park
Adam Smith, Natural Movement, and Physics (Working Paper), Spencer J. Pack
Reading the Civic Landscape of Augustan Rome: Aeneid 1.421-429 and the Building Program of Augustus, Darryl Phillips
Why Ontologize?, Melvin Woody
Submissions from 2014
The Absence of Context: Gay Politics without a Past, Jen Manion
Mapping Women's Movements, Ariella Rotramel
Submissions from 2013
At Home, Anthony Graesch
Evaluating the success of seed sowing in a New England grassland, Chad C. Jones, Glenn D. Dreyer, and Nels Barrett
Familism and Social Inclusion: Hispanics in New London, Connecticut, Monika López-Anuarbe
The Greenhouse Effect at the Molecular Level, Michael Monce
How the Right Got Adam Smith Wrong on the Eve of Environmental (and Hence Economic) Catastrophe, Spencer J. Pack
(Review) Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present, Frederick S. Paxton
Differential responses of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria to long-term fertilization in a New England salt marsh., Xuefeng Peng, Erik Yando, Erica Hiildebrand, Courtney Dwyer, Anne Kearney, Alex Waciega, Ivan Valiela, and Anne E. Bernhard
Self-defining Memories, Scripts, and the Life Story: Narrative Identity in Personality and Psychotherapy, Jefferson A. Singer, Pavel Blagov, Meredith Berry, and Kathryn M. Oost
Submissions from 2012
Cassius Dio's Agrippa-Maecenas Debate: An Operational Code Analysis, Eric Adler
(Review) Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political Thought: Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus, Eric Adler
(Review) Roman Historiography: An Introduction to its Basic Aspects and Development,, Eric Adler
Online Bottleneck Matching, Barbara Anthony and Christine Chung
Effects of vegetation, corridor width and regional land use on early successional birds on powerline corridors, Robert A. Askins, Corrine M. Folsom-O'Keefe, and Margaret C. Hardy
Building the Pool, Armando Bengochea and Roger Brooks
Increased variability of microbial communities in restored salt marshes nearly 30 years after tidal flow restoration, Anne E. Bernhard, David Marshall, and Lazaros Yiannos
Diversification and expression of the PIN, AUX/LAX, and ABCB families of putative auxin transporters in Populus, Nicola Carraro, Tracy Elizabeth Tisdale-Orr, Ronald Matthew Clouse, Anne Sophie Knöller, and Rachel Spicer
Cr-Hollandite: Breaking Tradition with Todorokite-type Manganese Oxides, Stanton Ching, Jonathan P. Franklin, and Carley M. Spencer
Completion Time Scheduling and the WSRPT Algorithm, Christine Chung and Bo Xiong
Impressions of Psychotherapists’ Offices: Do Therapists and Clients Agree?, Ann Sloan Devlin and Jack L. Nasar
Challenges in predicting the future distributions of invasive plant species, Chad C. Jones
Intergenerational Transfers in Long Term Care, Monika Lopez Anuarbe
(Review) A Short History of Ethics and Economics: The Greeks, Spencer J. Pack
Automation Techniques for Intelligent Environments - Prediction of Building Activity Patterns Using a Cyclic Genetic Algorithm, Gary Parker and David T. Alpert
Evolving Predator Control Programs for an Actual Hexapod Robot Predator, Gary Parker and Basar Gulcu
Evolving Expert Agent Parameters for Capture the Flag Agent in Xpilot, Gary Parker and Sarah Penrose
(Review) Alter, Krankheit, Tod und Herrschaft im frühen Mittelalter: das Beispiel der Karolinger, Frederick S. Paxton
We Make the Spring Rolls, They Make Their Own Rules: Filipina Domestic Workers’ Fight for Labor Rights in New York City and Los Angeles, Ariella Rotramel
Positive relationships between association strength and phenotypic similarity characterize the assembly of mixed-species bird flocks worldwide, Hari Sridhar, Umesh Srinivasan, Robert A. Askins, Julio Cesar Canales-Delgadillo, Chao-Chieh Chen, David N. Ewert, George A. Gale, Eben Goodale, Wendy K. Gram, Patrick J. Hart, Keith A. Hobson, Richard L. Hutto, Sarath W. Kotagama, Jessie L. Knowlton, Tien Ming Lee, Charles A. Munn, Somchai Nimnuan, B. Z. Nizam, Guillaume Péron, V. V. Robin, Amanda D. Rodewald, Paul G. Rodewald, Robert L. Thomson, Pranav Trivedi, Steven L. Van Wilgenburg, and Kartik Shanker
Water diffusion in and out of the β-barrel of GFP and the fast maturing fluorescent protein, TurboGFP, Marc Zimmer, Binsen Li, Ramza Shahid, and Paola Peshkepija
Submissions from 2011
Cassius Dio's Livia and the Conspiracy of Cinna Magnus, Eric Adler
The future of Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warblers in Connecticut, Robert A. Askins
The Power of Fair Pricing Mechanisms, Christine Chung, Katrina Ligett, Aaron Roth, and Kirk Pruhs
"Is this really a police station? Police department exteriors and judgments of authority, professionalism, and approachability.", Ashley Clinton and Ann Sloan Devlin
(Review) The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525–1550, Marc R. Forster
(Review) Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality, Robert Gay
Comparison of a Greedy Selection Operator to Tournament Selection and a Hill Climber, Lee Graham, John Borbone, and Gary Parker
Fitness Biasing for Evolving an Xpilot Combat Agent, Gary Parker and Phil Fritzsche